Check Office 365 Service
Upgrade Status using PowerShell
You can verify your organization version from the below
PowerShell command
- Install Windows Azure Active Directory Module
for Windows PowerShell
- Launch Windows Azure Active Directory
Module for Windows PowerShell
- Execute the following commands:
Import-Module MSOnline
Find the below screenshot for reference.
4. Type your Global
or Company Administrator credentials
5. Launch Windows PowerShell and connect to Office 365 and run the following commands to gather more information of the Wave 15 upgrade.
Get-OrganizationConfig | Format-List AdminDisplayVersion
Get-OrganizationConfig | fl Name, Admindisplayversion, IsUpgradingOrganization
6. Close the Office 365 session once you complete the activity.
Note:-If you close the Windows PowerShell window without disconnecting from the Office 365 session, your connection will remain open for 15 minutes. Your account can have only three concurrent connections to the Office 365 session at one time.